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Consultations with families and carers commence across Australia

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Please note that these consultations have now finished.

Consultations with families and carers are commencing across Australia. These consultations are part of the review of best practice in early childhood intervention being undertaken by a consortium led by the University of Melbourne and funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

Coordinated by the Association for Children with Disability, sessions will be hosted by a range of trusted family-led organisations.

Families and carers are invited to share their insights and practical examples of what good experiences of early childhood intervention look like and explore how they know if early childhood intervention supports are making a difference for their child, themselves, and their household.

All consultation sessions are virtual and $50 gift vouchers will be provided to attendees.

Please see upcoming session dates and registration links below.  More information about the consultations is available via the registration.

  • Wed 18 Sep 7-8.30pm (AEST) – Hosted by Yellow Ladybugs
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