About Us

Supporting the development and wellbeing of children and youth with disability

A picture of four people who work with Healthy Trajectories around a coffee table. Oliver Hunter, Sevastine Katsakis, and Jacky Lipson smile at the camera while Georgie Rose is smiling at Oliver.


We established Healthy Trajectories to support the development and wellbeing of children and youth with disability. We will do this by:

  • learning what makes it challenging for young people with disability to develop, be healthy and participate fully in life

  • exploring ways to help the whole family so that children are growing up in environments that help them to thrive

  • researching what makes it easier and harder for children and young people with disability to participate at school, in recreation, in healthcare, and at work

  • partnering with people and organisations who also care about the wellbeing of children and youth with disability

  • focusing on the priorities of the Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021 to 2031 and the National Disability Research Agenda 2022

To make it possible for children and youth whose lives are complicated by disability to reach their full potential for health and participation across the life span. Healthy trajectories for all!

By building a strong network of research partners across the Melbourne Children’s Campus and University of Melbourne we will be able to learn more, faster, to improve the lives of those with child-onset disability and their families. We want to help change the way our society views and includes those with disability.

Healthy Trajectories A child and youth disability research hub partners and stakeholders chart. Listed around a central image are The University of Melbourne, The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation, Advocacy and research partners, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, The Royal Children's Hospital, and Children, youth and families. Working with partners and stakeholders to achieve our mission.
A brightly coloured flower shape. Each one of its eight petal shapes is a different colour.


We partner with consumers in all our work.

A collection of blue, orange, yellow and black lines in different styles.


We invite and engage with people who bring a range of expertise, experiences and ideas.

Two orange half-circles gently touching in the center.


We value and recognise all contributions.

Three yellow bubbles


We communicate clearly, we are accountable, and we are open to feedback.

A blue symbol that looks vaguely like a splash of water.


Our very best efforts for creating bright futures for all.

We will know we are doing well when: 

  • our teams of researchers include people with a diverse range of knowledge, skills and life experiences that our research has the greatest impact
  • our research helps achieve the goals defined in Australia’s Disability Strategy i.e., health, wellbeing and participation for children and youth with disability, and their families
  • our research and advocacy results in changes to practice and policy
  • we have helped to create a workforce and community who better understand disability 
Melbourne children's. A world leader in child and adolescent health. Supported by the Royal Children's Hospital foundation. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. Murdoch children's research institute. The university of Melbourne.

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Cras auctor auctor risus, eget congue tellus aliquet
vestibulum. Aliquam sit amet nisl risus. Aliquam rhoncus
luctus semper.

Strategic & Consumer Involvement Plans

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Mauris ut risus urna. Fusce justo turpis, elementum eget vehicula eu, posuere id libero. Mauris sodales dui ac metus venenatis pharetra. Phasellus risus

Feature One

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Feature Two

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Feature Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras auctor auctor risus, eget congue tellus aliquet vestibulum.

Easy to Read
We are called Healthy Trajectories
a Healthy Trajectory means taking your best path in life
We are a disability research team
Our team is here to join with you and support your path
We work with and for
• children and youth with disability
• and their families
How do we help?
We support by asking questions of young people with disability
We ask questions like
• what works best for you
• what is hard?
• what is good?
• what will make a good change
What do we research?
We research what makes it hard and easy
• at school
• in social groups
• in families
• and at work
What guides our research?
We are guided by you and the
• Australian Disability Strategy 2021 to 2031
• National Disability Research Agenda 2022
We also join with other research teams around the world

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