
Our research projects

All our research projects are done in partnership with people who have lived experience of disability. Read more about our projects below. You can search by project category and research theme.
A child is sitting at a table and drawing with coloured pens.

This theme focuses on research to support the mental health and wellbeing of children, youth and their families. It responds to NDRA consultation feedback that research about mental health and wellbeing should be prioritised, and should focus on how to design services, systems and supports across the life course.

Our Early Childhood Initiatives involves research about young children from newborn to 9 years of age when they have been identified as needing early targeted care or support. There may be complex or specific issues in different areas of a child’s development. This is a period when a family or carer may be provided with supports or evidence-based interventions to support future outcomes of the child and family

The research in this theme is focused on health service access and use, and interventions that minimise the impact that multiple health issues have on the everyday lives of children and youth with disability and their families.

Research in this theme aims to help us build schools and create learning environments that support students with disability to take part and gain a good education.

The research in this theme aims to optimise the participation outcomes of children and youth with disability and their families. We understand participation as being able to attend (be there) and be involved in activities and life situations that are important or required – that is, the things you have to, need to, or want to do.

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Our Healthy Trajectories team partnered with the University of Sydney and others to develop a 10-year National Disability Research Agenda (NDRA) for Australia. ...

The Australian Centre for Health, Independence, Economic participation and Value Enhanced Care for adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy: CP-ACHIEVE...

Picture my Participation is an instrument designed to assess the participation attendance and participation involvement of children. ...

Learnings from adults with CP about how they successfully negotiated the challenges of adulthood. ...

An exploration of the social outcomes of school leavers with CP & determinants of desirable outcomes....

The family of Participation Related Constructs (fPRC) was published following a series of reviews and conceptual papers that explored the evidence for interventions that aimed to improve participation outcomes for those with child-onset disability....

This project will integrate knowledge from architecture, education and health to enable the co-design of learning spaces with people with disability. This will benefit all student’s access and meaningful involvement in learning through the development of a framework for designing inclusive learning spaces....

Our overarching objective is improved care and health outcomes for children with medically complex cerebral palsy and their caregivers through improved health care processes and pathways....

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at risk of developing stiffness in the muscles of the wrist and hand, which can lead to loss of movement and make it hard for children to use their hands for activities. ...

Early initiatives and tailored early interventions, naturally work best when they are delivered in a timely manner within appropriate natural settings, (family, childcare, community)....

Our knowledge about the mental health problems of children with developmental disabilities is largely based on parental report. There is a significant lack of child self-report. Although parents know a lot about their children, they do not know everything. ...

Young people with disability and complex communication needs (CCN) face barriers addressing their mental health concerns, which may be due to a lack of assessment tools for this population. ...

Mental health problems and participation restrictions are reported for children with disabilities relatively often....

ENVISAGE stands for ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations. This network of research has developed in partnership with parents, researchers and health professionals from across Australia and Canada. All ENVISAGE programs are developed using co-design through all phases of the research....

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