ECI Review, News

Bringing together the best evidence about best practice in early childhood intervention

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Executive summary of desktop review

The executive summary of the desktop review provides a summary of the findings from the series of three desktop reviews that address the overarching question at the heart of the independent review: What is best practice in ECI?  

The first review paper used a narrative review method to provide an overall picture of key developments in policy, research and practice relating to young children with and without developmental disabilities and their families. The second paper explored what could be learned from a comparison between the frameworks/guidelines developed in Australia, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contexts, NZ, the USA, Europe and UK, and was undertaken as a scoping review of related literature. The third review was a systematic review of the evidence regarding the effects and impacts of the ECI frameworks/guidelines on child, family and/or service outcomes.  

Read the executive summary of the desktop review by selecting either Word or PDF versions below. 

Executive summary of desktop review – PDF version

Executive summary of desktop review – Word version


Full desktop review report

The full desktop review report details the aims, methods and outcomes of the three reviews that were undertaken to address the questions underpinning the development of a new best practice framework for ECI: 

  • What is best practice in ECI?  
  • What is the aim of ECI? 
  • How is best practice defined? 
  • What principles are identified? 
  • What are the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the different frameworks’ approaches?  
  • What is the current evidence of the effects and impacts of the ECI practice / approaches on child, family and/or service outcomes?

Read the full desktop review report by selecting either Word or PDF versions below. 

Full desktop review report – PDF version

Full desktop review report – Word version


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