
Being family-centered – Kerry Britt’s AusACPDM Posters

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Healthy Trajectories was fortunate enough to support four presenters at the 2024 AusACPDM conference that took place in August this year.
The speakers presented papers along with posters to summarize their research, from topics such as pilot studies on movement therapy to methods for improving the perception of family-centered practices.

Kerry Britt has been working with Healthy Trajectories since its conception in 2021. She presented two studies for the AusACPDM conference. The first was a scoping review of the impacts of family-centered service education on health professionals working in paediatric disability, and the second was a mixed-methods study exploring beliefs about and influences on family-centered approaches to practice.

Click on the images or links below to read more about Kerry’s poster presentations:

Study 1 aimed to explore the impact of education targeting family-centred service and the strengths-based framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) for health professionals working with children with disabilities and their families.

Study 2 aimed to explore ‘what Family Centred Service is to Service Providers’, how they do it, how it is influenced and why they might want to try to work in a family-centred way.

Click here to learn more about Kerry’s research.

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