
Sign Up Now – Free Peer Support Program for Parents

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ENVISAGE Families Australia is a FREE peer support program that empowers, supports, and connects parents and anyone in a caregiving role raising a child and/or children aged 0-8 years with disability, autism or developmental concerns.

For caregivers raising children O – 8 years with developmental concerns or disability, including autism (or autism like characteristics). The program has been co-designed with parents, carers, service providers, health professionals and researchers and includes a dedicated First People’s program.

Small group workshops with other caregivers, facilitated by a Health Professional and Parent Peer, are included in this program. The 5 workshops are 1 hour each over 5 weeks, with an additional 1 hour per week to access online learning materials for preparation.

Other formats are available on request, with both face-to-face and online program options available. The themes of these workshops are as follows:

  1. What is health and well-being in early child and family development?
  2. Child, sibling and family development
  3. ‘Parenting is a dance led by children’
  4. Looking after myself so I can look after my family
  5. Communication, Collaborating, Connecting


Materials and resources for the program include:

  • An online platform to access tools, videos and resources. You will go here to prepare for your weekly workshop.
  • A discussion board for peer connection and sharing in a secure and private network.


You can register online here, or for further help you can contact [email protected] or call 07 3861 6079 for assistance.

ENVISAGE Families Australia is funded by the Australian Government Deportment of Social Services. Go to for more information. 

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