Dr Kelly Weir

Director Allied Health Research, The Royal Children’s Hospital

Kelly Weir is part of the Healthy Trajectories Advisory Committee. She is the Director of Allied Health Research
at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and Associate Professor of Speech Pathology, Department of
Audiology and Speech Pathology at School of Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne. Kelly is a speech pathologist and clinician researcher and holds honorary research appointments at Murdoch Children’s
Research Institute, The University of Sydney, Griffith University and City University London.

Kelly’s research focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of infants and children with feeding and swallowing difficulties
and respiratory problems, including premature infants, acutely unwell children needing respiratory support in
hospital and those with disability. She also supports other allied health professionals to conduct research to be
able to provide the best healthcare for children and their families; and help children and families enjoy and
participate in life.

Read more about Kelly

Kelly loves travelling the world and seeing new places. Here she is getting her steps up exploring the Gardens of Versailles in France.
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