
Research partnership feedback and communication checklist (Infographic)

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The aim of the Research Partnership Feedback and Communication Checklist tool is to support authentic two-way feedback and communication between researchers and consumer partners, at all stages of the research process.

The tool takes researchers and consumer partners through five identified stages of the research process: Pre-Planning (Planning how feedback will be obtained and delivered); Preparation (Feedback regarding the research question, study design and protocol, funding application); Execution (Ongoing feedback as the project is piloted): Analysing the results (Understand the results after analysing the data and providing feedback on how it relates to research partners); and Knowledge translation (Feedback on the dissemination and knowledge translation plan).

Authorship & Acknowledgments:

This resource was created as part of the McMaster University, CanChild, and Kids Brain Health Network Family Engagement in Research Course in partnership with Healthy Trajectories: A child and youth disability research hub for those on the Melbourne Children’s Campus. Copyright ©2022 Alice Barnacle, Kerry Britt, Rachel Kennedy, Sevastine Katsakis. All rights reserved.

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